Leading through turnaround and transformation

Online Webinar

Join CIM for another great webinar in the Webinar Express Series on Tuesday 26 January 2021.
Few places illustrate the possibility of transformation in the most unpromising of circumstances as the Eden Project. The way a post-industrial landscape in the poorest part of the UK’s poorest county was turned into an iconic destination, educational charity and environmental inspiration shows what can be achieved working as a community and in harmony with nature. A worked out clay pit near St Austell in Cornwall is now a beacon of biodiversity and environmental optimism, welcoming over a million visitors a year, supporting thousands of jobs and inspiring successor projects around the world.

The darker side of nudging

Online Webinar

Join CIM for another great webinar in the Webinar Express Series on Thursday 11 February 2021.
The darker side of nudging - when the ends don't justify the means...
Charity and social marketers, behaviour change practitioners and social policy campaigners do good, well that’s their aim. Supported by clear objectives, detailed policies, defined behavioural outcomes and ethical codes of conduct, the choice of marketing techniques should be straightforward.

Focusing your marketing strategy on recovery and growth

Online Webinar

Join CIM for another great webinar in the Webinar Express Series on Tuesday 16 February 2021.
The coronavirus pandemic has elevated the relevance of reputation and relationships in marketing. Over the past year, businesses with a clear vision and purpose have stood out, while those who have failed to act responsibly have been exposed.  

But the seemingly unending uncertainty has made it challenging for marketers to know what they should be doing, both tactically and in terms of implementing or redefining marketing strategies. In this webinar, strategic marketing consultants Jade Tambini and Georgina Lewindon, together with data and analytics consultant Sameer Rahman, will answer some of the pertinent questions at the forefront of marketing professionals’ minds. Drawing on their versatile combined experience, they’ll provide practical advice for how to position your marketing strategy over the next few months to enable your business to recover and grow. 

Points are good because they stick into things

Online Webinar

Join CIM for another great webinar in the Graduate Gateway Marketing Club on Thursday 25 February 2021.
Every brand needs a point, a sharp definition of its purpose that will stick in people's minds. It stands to reason that a brand-aligned behind a shared point will have a better chance of success than one that isn't. However, can be can fiendishly hard to do!

Developing customer insight to drive marketing strategy

Online Webinar

Join CIM for another great webinar in the Graduate Gateway Marketing Club on Thursday 18 March 2021.
This webinar is part of our Graduate Gateway Marketing Club series of events.

In this session, we’ll look at how to translate data into insight, how to ensure that this insight is actionable and how we can utilise insight in our marketing strategies.

Driving competitive advantage through sustainability

Online Webinar

Join CIM for another great Webinar Express on Tuesday 30 March 2021.
With sustainability on almost every corporate agenda, brands are increasingly reframing what they do to establish their role in the world. In this webinar we’ll discuss the drivers of sustainability and how and why marketers should embrace it, to differentiate from competitors and achieve responsible, sustainable and profitable growth.

In this session, we’ll look at how to translate data into insight, how to ensure that this insight is actionable and how we can utilise insight in our marketing strategies.

The five competencies for standing out in a sea of sameness

Virtual Training - This event is online after you register you will receive everything you need to join this event from the comfort of your own home.

Find out the five key competencies marketing leaders need to help them stand out in this CIM Webinar Express on Thursday 8 April.

The science of storytelling

Online Webinar

Join CIM for another great Webinar Express on Tuesday 13 April 2021.
Transform your results and increase your influence through advanced business storytelling strategies. In this session Richard Newman from UK Bodytalk will explain strategies you can use to captivate your clients, team and stakeholders, so that you compel them to listen and dramatically increase your business results. 

Expressing your personal brand at work

Online Webinar

Join CIM for another great Webinar in the Graduate Gateway Club series on Wednesday 21 April 2021.
Articulate your value, develop your brand story, and shine! How do we communicate our worth in the workplace? How do we convey the important work we do and achieve the recognition we deserve?
This session shares valuable tools and mindset shifts to help you move ahead with confidence, shoring up your foundations with the understanding that you’re putting your best foot forward and presenting yourself as a person of influence and value.

New product development in a virtual world

Online Webinar

Join CIM for another great Webinar Express on Thursday 6 May 2021. We are living in truly unprecedented times, in which the lives of people and organisations are being truly disrupted. In Higher Education many institutions are grappling with the new normal whilst considering what this means for new product/course development. What opportunities does this new world offer to organisations looking to revolutionise their product/course portfolio and what are the challenges? This session will look at Higher Education institutions and outline approaches to virtual new product development and key learning points.